Jose and his helper are out here working like mad. It has been awhile since they have been here--busy elsewhere--so we really need some work done.
Jose just now finished the peach tree--picked another bucket full. It really produced this year--the most ever--and it is a seedling.
Yipee, Elmer is walking without a crutch--the heavy work shoes are a good support. He worked outside most of the day yesterday--first time in 6 months. Oh, that has been a long 6 months. It is so good to see him up and about. And he is outside now after eating his healthy breakfast--one day he has cooked cereal and the next day FLAKES which he mixes about 6 or 7 different dry cereal. And he has his milk and orange juice etc.
This is mostly for the new parents. We were not expecting twins--no idea--no xrays--no ultra sound 67 years ago. I stayed in the hospital 10 days-dangled on the 6th day---they thot I should stay 14 but I wanted to go home. They were born in L.A. but we lived in Santa Monica. I did not know much about caring for babies. They were on a strict schedule--NURSED THEM FOR ALMOST 5 MONTHS--not that I ran out of milk--no, I could have nursed two more at least. I started taking swimming lessons when they were 2 months old. Elmer did all the baby laundry for a year. We had 6 doz. diapers. We stayed pretty much at home for the first year so therefore they were not ever sick--not even a cold. No automatic washer or dryer in those days but as soon as we moved N. the Bendix put out an automatic washing machine and Elmer had one delivered immediately. He was and is so good to me. They each cut 2 teeth at 4 months!!!--same time.
Thanks so much for the updates on Caedmon.
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