Saturday, August 18, 2007

This is now one more day.

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsI do not do much ironing anymore (I love to iron--down thru the years--2 shirts of each kind.)  They went away to College with shirts neatly packed between tissue paper!!!!  Those were the days.  Why am I on that subject?
Galena, you are a good girl--also a very good Mother--I can tell.  Thank you very much for writing.  You can tell Jen Perry that she can come here any time and make us a chicken salad.  I will expect news from either you or your husband or both!! every day.  Your parents will surely enjoy their first grand child.  Will you put your son in the nursery at church? 
Elmer dear is quite discouraged with his ankle.  It seems to be at a standstill.  He is unable to work outside--sees so much he would like to accomplish.  We thot Jose would come today but he didn't.
Brian made a speech recently at the CSU.  He says he has lots to learn in a short time--before he comes out West. 
And now to Bud--he is such a good boy.  For example he didn't ever have to be trained--not to growl or try to bite when he is eating.  You can do anything with his food--move it --take it away or whatever.  He has never ever chewed on anything nor destroyed anything--not his nature.  He does not want any toys--will not play with them.  He is too grown up.
Our temp. is great--in the 80's.
We are really looking forward to an update from Woodinville every day.  GG needs to hear.
We are having an egg casserole at 4.  Have not made it for a long time.  Helen V. really liked that when they have visited.  She has the recipe. 
Just thinking--no disposible diapers 67 years ago.  Elmer dear would not let me wash a diaper--he did them all--had 6 doz. birdseye mateial.  When we were through with them we gave them to a cousin who was expecting.  Wow, all of that was a long time ago. 
Waiting to hear.  GG

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