Friday, August 17, 2007


Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsOur meat patties etc have been devoured and here we are--or here I am.  Elmer dear went down for a bit of rest and elevation. He worked down in his little shop for a bit--needed to do something for my bathroom.   But oh, how he needs to get things straightened up down there.  I am just thinking that pehaps going up and down the steps might be good for that foot.  I shall encourage that and see.
Did you hear about the identical quads being born--in Canada I think--girls--all healthy and doing fine--each weighed about the same 2 lbs. plus--this happens once in 13 million births.  (all in one bag--identical)
I think Lloyd will be gone from Aug. 29 to Sept. 7--Japan-Phillippines--Bangkock.
I surely do wonder how little Caedmon and his parents are doing--wondering if all three are getting enough to eat and enough sleep.  I know the little one is getting the best care there is. 
Larry just called--they are up at Britt for the evening.
Bennett and his sister, Katie, attended a wedding in Hawaii recently.  Katie said it was the first time she has attended a wedding that she has not been the flower girl.
Bud said to tell Caedmon that he is getting plenty to eat and lots of time to sleep.
gg  (Helen V,--need news)

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