Wednesday, August 1, 2007

This is the first day of August

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsWe are just home from Elmer dear's last (12th) therapy appt.
Larry was going to stop by but he had an appt. at 9 am (I think he said with the Mail Tribune) and he would stop by if his appt. ended but evidently it didn't so we went on our way to T.Bird--instead of spending about $90. we only spent about $36.  BUT Elmer came in with me and he chose the veggies etc  That helped so much.  He is fussy about his veggies and that is good.  The he helped unload--it is SO good we can take the upper driveway and stop right at the back door and unload.  The two refrigerators outside make good storage for extras.  So now I have my helper back and that is good.   Then I drive around and put the car away.  (BTW Elmer tells me often that I am a good driver--but he adds that I am a little heavy on the petal).
Still flooding in the So.--in Az. now.  We will be 100 today and then hi 90's the rest of the week. 
Did you hear that 16 children have died thus far this summer--left in hot cars!!!!  The Mothers go shopping or even to work!!!
Helen Mae is a good girl.  She emails and forwards Lloyds emails etc.  BTW, when does Lloyd return home?
Larry was so happy that Lloyd called him from far away.
Sat. evening September 15 th--7 to 10 p.m.--we are invited to a DOINGS at a Winery??? in Talent-- 2007 CONSERVATION CELEBRATION.  THE 2007 CONSERVATION AWARD will be presented to LARRY SMITH.   If anyone deserves awards Larry does.
I shall now start thinking about our evening meal.  Bud hopes there will be plenty for him.  HE LOVES TO GO IN THE CAR AND I DON'T MEAN MAYBE.
Colorado?????    gg

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