Monday, August 20, 2007

One more day

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsMy Dumpling is down for a nap.  He is very discouraged with his ankle.  He does not see Dr. until Wednesday the 5th of Sept.  He is sure a tendon is torn or something.  The ankle does not seem to be stable and his knee is painful??????  Last evening he was down by the garage out front and picked something up and oodles of bees came out--mad as a hornet and landed on the top of his hand and each one gave him a good/bad sting.  We doctored the poor hand. 
I am glad we do not live elsewhere--floods and more floods--hurricanes and more--.  How come we were so fortunate to have landed in this very area and raised our good and caring sons here etc.
Larry, sometime please do not forget the large straws.  Thank you.
Today the driver of a huge truck went nite nite and hit the side railing on I-5 coming So. near Medford.  So Southbound traffic was re-routed for several hours--there was also a fire.
Now I must tell you about Buddy Boy.  Without being trained--when the tel. rings--when we are in bed he gives a bark-a strange one that he uses at no other time.  During the day he runs to the phone.  When the door bell rings or there is a knock he answers the door.  Do you think he is a smart dog or what.  L & L, remember this--when we are gone--we want him to go to a nice couple (like we are!!!) where there are no children--he very much likes a quiet house--not to Ron for sure--Bud would become an idiot for sure.  They have those two very stupid POODLES.  Bud is crazy about Ron but he must go where there is a QUIET LIFE for him and a schedule!!!!!
Elmer dear just got up so pehaps we will go for a short (short for him) walk.
Kenneth, will be sending an email I know as soon as he comes home from work.
Nite,  GG
Billy Graham has been in the hospital with bleeding intestines.  Doesn't sound good. 

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