Monday, August 27, 2007


Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsI enjoy these little guys SO much.  I especiall like the one yesterday--back to school with his huge back-pack.
We just finished our salmon dinner--so good.
This week=87-94-96-98.
Lloyd called last evening.  He will be traveling to so many countries in such a short time.  Trust he will hurry home and arrive safe and very sound.
Lloyd signed us up on the NO CALL LIST.  That will be so good.  We rec. so many offering less interest and also they can do something about our mortgage--do not need either one.
Elmer is doing quite well--has to be careful--is wearing heavy work shoes.  Sometimes it bothers during the nite if his foot turns too much.
Bud is also doing well--never ever loses his appetite--always ready to eat or go bye bye in the car.
Wonder if Larry and the 2 young boys are home yet from camping.  I am sure we will be rec. a call soon.
Well, this very minute Larry called--just arrived home and he will call later to tell about their trip.  He was ready to unload the car. 
Need to hear about THE GREATS.

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