Thursday, August 23, 2007


Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsWe have a new kitchen sink and a beautiful -goregeous--the latest in faucets.  It is really too nice for this elderly couple. 
Larry arrived a bit after 1 and the quick and fast working plumber came a bit later and did not leave until 5:30 or more.  He is a friend of Larry and we have had him work here before. 
Larry was so much help.  He was up on the roof re one of the coolers.  He picked some peaches.  He cut a vine that was crawing up the Sequoia that Larry planted about 40 some years ago.  It was about 1 foot tall then and now it is probably 60 feet or so tall--gorgeous.  Elmer dear -the mathematician--will figure out the height etc. (He is eating his healthy breakfast right now).  Anyway Larry  was a great help with everything.
I will have to get used to the new faucet--it is so pretty--brightens up the kitchen.
Our days are warm--prob. 90 today--days are shorter already--but sunshine all day.
I feel so sorry for the folk in the Midwest--being flooded out--more rain is coming.  They are losing everything.
And Rooney's article on the SMART CAR is funny but I have decided I do not want one--no room for Bud in the back and I doubt there would be room for my huge amount of gro.  No trunk--we use a trunk much.  So much for that.
Elmer was up and about all day yesterday--part time without a crutch--he did o.k. We will see how today goes.  The support sock helps. 
I need to hear from Caedmon--he just eats and sleeps --he could take a little time to write to GG.
Everest is a good "picture taker". 
Well I must put stuff back under the sink and do a bit of this and that. gg

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