Sunday, August 26, 2007


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We attended church (without a crutch)--first time.
Home to soup and sandwiches.  Elmer dear is helping a lot with the preparations.
If Brians stays overnite in Seattle--where will he sleep.  Most everyone has a cat?????
Yesterday Jose and a helper worked hard all day--$190.  They didn't get one area done--no time--Dad said perhaps Larry can mow it.  They trimmed and trimmed trees and edged around the "miles" of ivy etc. 
Wonder how the camping is going up at Crater Lake.
This afternoon we dashed into Medford to visit Cecelia Wood--Becky's (Amber's life long friend)  Gma.  She is in a nice retirement home--is 81--has Parkinsons. 
I called Royal Oak where Carpenters live  (retirement home--pd. by their daughter).  Well, a few months ago Hazel fell during the nite and broke her hip--sx--in the hospital--then in a n.home for 5 weeks. and now I found out today that she is back in the hospital--complications from the broken hip.  Not good.  She is very frail.--in her 80's.
And now it is time for cottage cheese and yogurt--so good--and fresh peaches--off our own tree.  It is a seedling but there was a huge crop this year. 
Bud went with us to visit--stayed in the car--such a good boy (thank you, Keith)
Anxious to hear from family and friends.  gg

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