Saturday, August 11, 2007


Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsWe are more or less waiting for a tel. call from up N.  We had a long tel. call from Lloyd.
They went up to Seattle today for Bennett's 7th party this afternoon.  Kenneth and Galena were also there but were called to come home quickly.  Their "to-be"adopted baby was to arrive most anytime.   So they left in a hurry.  So we are waiting and wondering.  It will be a little boy. They thot the baby would arrive the first part of September.  The name they chose has been a closely guarded secret. 
Tomorrow L & H and will leave for their camping trip up in Idaho with the Boorman family. They plan to return home about Wednesday. 
I made a new casserole dish today--chicken breast, veggies, rice. m.soup etc.    (Soup is easier).
Larry just called.  Herta (married to Linda's brother) and a friend (Ashland) are coming over--will take them to dinner and then they will all attend Britt. 
So I just might be telling you soon that there is a new GREAT. 
Bud says to write soon.  GG

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