Thursday, August 2, 2007

Already the second day of August.

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsThe sun is shining as usual and we are as happy as a lark.
Every channel has nothing but THE BRIDGE NEWS in Minnesota.  It is a miracle than not more wee killed.  There are some missing, tho.  Over 1,000 travel  over the bridge every day--that is they did. 
Ha Ha, Lloyd called us last evening--so far far away.  He will be home Sat. evening
I cut Elmer's hair a bit ago.  It had been a long time.
I am still thinking about how good it was to have my dear husband go into the market with me yesterday and then when we came home he helped put everything away and then he did most of our evening meal and that is good. 
Elmer will not eat breaded chicken of course but now they are advertising DOUBLE BREADED and he about gets sick.  We do not eat such stuff.  Oh, there is more--today I heard they have also DOUBLED SEASONED the chicken. 
Last evening we had beef so at 4 or so today it will be a lighter meal and that is good.
I need to call TOTAL DOG to get an appt. for this little dog who lives here with us. 
I wrote to my old and good friend, LaVerne Davidson today.  She wrote recently.  She is checked often to be sure her breast cancer is still gone.  She is about 10 years younger than I am.  It is because of her that we have Linda and Helen Mae in our family.
I cannot think of any more of anything to write about and that is not good.  gg  (Colorado?)

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