Monday, August 13, 2007

Almost too busy

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Well, I did something today that I have not done for a l-o-n-g time--I ran the ORICK over most of the house.  Soon I will finish--just have Bud's bedroom and Elmer's lounge (elevation) room where the adjustable bed is--left to do.  I feel very proud and Elmer dear thought I worked way too hard.  1700 hundred sq. feet is a lot of feet. 
Our chicken dinner is overwith and we have finished in the kitchen and Bud is sleeping--so very tired.
I even put the scatter rugs back down after 5 1/2 months. 
We talked with Kenneth for a wee bit--he called--but also had an appt.--is taking the week off and even perhaps next--not sure--I am not sure.  He said everything is going along just fine--even gifts are arriving!!
Elmer is still wearing the boot and using one crutch--sometimes two when outside on uneven ground. 
90 or more today and more of the same for a few days at least.
Elmer wants me to wait until tomorrow to finish vac.--he said too much already for today.
Please send news.  gg

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