Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Lloyd is going bye bye again.

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsLloyd is going bye bye again..He just called.  He and Helen were on their way to the Portland airport.  This time because of a quick trip to 5 countries he could take only carry on luggage which means he would not be taking much extra because his photography "package" is huge--carries that in front of his tummy so----Helen will be a good girl and send me many emails and much news.
Elmer does use one crutch part time--esp. outside--feels more stable.  Right now he is running the sprinkler on the oodles of vines.  He sees Dr. one week from today. To be about 99 or so today.
The beautiful addition to out kitchen is still here.  I really really am enjoying it.
Caedmon has not written today nor have the other GREATS.
Galena is so pretty (after having a baby).  She looks so happy.  Now I need to know what all the gifts are that the little boy and his parents received. 
We are having later today STOUFFER'S   SKILLETS--home style beef dish. 
 I am cooking easier these days.
I had better go check on my now "part time" patient. 
Waiting to hear.  gg

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