Thursday, July 19, 2007

Really busy

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsWe left at 9 am for J. and the therapy appt.  Elmer continues on improving and on being a good boy.  He does have a small area of the sx site that has not completely healed????  I made a quick stop at BiMart for a few things.  I was going to stop at T.Bird but then decided I will go to Win+Co soon--have not been there for quite a spell.
Bud is a good boy when we take him.  We stopped for gas in Phoenix--a different station than the usual and Bud begged for a cookie but they do not do that.  Bud was a little upset.--cute.
I am ans. the tel. quite often and they insist that we need to sign up with them so we can pay less interest--I always try to convince them WE DO NOT EVER PAY INTEREST.
The best way to double your money--fold it and put it in your pocket.
82 degrees today--no rain and probably none until fall.
Keith, I enjoyed reading about Doug and his experienting with a "lose weight diet".
Well, we attended quite a party last evening.  Larry picked us up about 5:30 and we headed for J.  Jim and Win-Ann had just arrived from Vancouver--on their way So. but to spend the nite with L & L --so they came with us to the party.  (they drove over).  The Pattersons were headed for San Jose for a ramily reunion (and they have a big family--24 great--one on the way of course. )  Win-Ann is using a cane and talks all of the time!!!  So now to the Pot-Luckout in Ruch--lots and lots of good and tasty food--and we knew most of the people--most are related--decendents from Uncle Ras and Aunt Lena.  So we had good visits and of course they said they could not believe that we are in our 90's.  Linda was so nice and walked with Elmer around the food laden table to help him "load up his plate" and then she went to walk around with Larry--of course he helped himself.   Of course Larry got more family news and history.  (Some of the older folk has gained a lot of weight since last we saw them.) So after getting re-acquainted and much "picture taking" we headed home.
We just hung up from a good tel. visit with Kenneth.  He was on his way home from work.   He saw a good steep hill/trail to climb and he thought it would be good to stop and have a good work-out.  So he parked-climbed to the top--came down --and noticed not too far from his car was a guy with his upper body  "sticking thru" a broken passenger window of a car.  He had one purse and was reaching for another--Kenneth came along and the fellow got out quickly and ran like mad with Kenneth behind him.  Soon he dropped the one purse--the other purse was still in the car--.  Kenneth came back to the car--called 911--a lady cop came--took information--and said she would wait for awhile for the owner.  That was quite an experience for Kenneth.  Then we talked until he arrived home.   We feel quite honored--the first to know about this latest incident. 
More news--Rose called us from Kalispell.  They had quite a day--are sleeping there tonite before they head to Eastern Mt.  She and Jim had visited Don for about an hour.  He was somewhat confused today.  He finally decided she was Rose and recognized "Jimmy".  He mentioned Lloyd visiting and that he was Rose's son.  And there were other confusing comments etc.  From there they visited her brother, Roger.  He was sitting out in the patio when they drove in.  They had a good visit.  Also Rose and Jim went to eat and in walked about three relatives of Jim's who were also on their way to the family reunion.  They are all staying in Kalispell tonite.  Rose is hoping Roger will come and eat breakfast at 9 in the morning. 
Well, I think it is about time to wind this down.  Nite Nite.  GG  (news Colorado??) 

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