Saturday, July 28, 2007

Good news

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsThis has been quite a lovely day--in the hi 80's and of course sunshine all day. 
The best news around here is that ELMER DEAR is getting quite frisky and quite normal etc.  His crutch is standing in the corner and he is using a cane now and then. He is taking over his nomal and usual chores.  This has been "quite a ride"--5 months as of today.  (He is still making the bed!!!) I am geting spoiled again. 
We even went (drove) over a few blocks from here to visit friends that we have made from walking over in the park.  They have a little dog also so Bud was also invited. 
Well, we had a good surprise awhile ago--a call from Honduras.  Lloyd had tried to call Helen on her cell (up at the Cabin but no  answer.) so asked me to call and I did)  He is having a grand time in Honduras--has been there before--is very busy.  The missionary lady who visited Longview recently--stayed with Lloyd and Helen--is back down in Honduras where she wants to die--has breast cancer--they bot the casket today.  They just love that lovely lady.  Her missionary husband was killed in his own plane doing missionary work down there a few years ago. Lloyd said it was warm--89 degees and it rains about every afternoon.
Elmer is able to walk to B. St. more than once a day.  I am telling you--THAT IS A BIG IMPROVEMENT--5 MO.  with no walking.  Of course he walks slowly and carefully and with a crutch or cane. 
We just had a salmon dinner.
Ron came up while we were gone and blew the driveway etc. again.  We came home just as he finished. 
I wonder why some folk do not write to me on the weekends. (Ellen will)
We plan to attend church tomorrow--first in 5 months.  GG

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