The best news around here is that ELMER DEAR is getting quite frisky and quite normal etc. His crutch is standing in the corner and he is using a cane now and then. He is taking over his nomal and usual chores. This has been "quite a ride"--5 months as of today. (He is still making the bed!!!) I am geting spoiled again.
We even went (drove) over a few blocks from here to visit friends that we have made from walking over in the park. They have a little dog also so Bud was also invited.
Well, we had a good surprise awhile ago--a call from Honduras. Lloyd had tried to call Helen on her cell (up at the Cabin but no answer.) so asked me to call and I did) He is having a grand time in Honduras--has been there before--is very busy. The missionary lady who visited Longview recently--stayed with Lloyd and Helen--is back down in Honduras where she wants to die--has breast cancer--they bot the casket today. They just love that lovely lady. Her missionary husband was killed in his own plane doing missionary work down there a few years ago. Lloyd said it was warm--89 degees and it rains about every afternoon.
Elmer is able to walk to B. St. more than once a day. I am telling you--THAT IS A BIG IMPROVEMENT--5 MO. with no walking. Of course he walks slowly and carefully and with a crutch or cane.
We just had a salmon dinner.
Ron came up while we were gone and blew the driveway etc. again. We came home just as he finished.
I wonder why some folk do not write to me on the weekends. (Ellen will)
We plan to attend church tomorrow--first in 5 months. GG
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