Friday, July 13, 2007


Upgrade your email with 1000's of cool animationsSo this is Friday the 13th.
Elmer dear has been using a cane a very wee bit instead of the walker.  That would be so good to dc the walker.
We just finished our "lite" dinner/lunch.
Ron mowed and blew and checked the roof coolers and our irrigation system and on and on..
To be only about 94 this day.
Been awake since 3 am.
I heard on the National news the other day that the Rogue Valley and Medford are the fastest growing areas in the Nation?????????
We have two 67 year old Kids--one is at Glacier National Park and the other one is at Crater Lake National Park.  They do love Parks.  Larry was going with a huge group and half are from Egypt.
Larry, I again today went thru the Smith family album.  What a fantastic job you did!!!!
Rose, again I say thank you for the pictures you sent.  Please, will you again send to me the lovely photo of Jan's family--all dressed up.  Mine disappeared.  Thank you.
Elmer dear is finishing up in the kitchen.  He was down for more than an hour this early afternoon.  His leg swells which is very uncomfortable. 
Kenneth and Keith are about due to send a note or so.  Brian sent news and pictures very soon after arriving home from climbing the mountains. 
And I will be looking for mail from Helen Mae.  (Ellen is always faithful--sends every day)
This is all that I know.  GG

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