Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsWe are SO happy Lloyd is home and that poor Helen also made such a successful and late journey when she should have been home in bed.  What a trip they both had.
Thanks, Lloyd, for all the emails--pretty slim picking while you were gone.  ALSO thank you so much for being able to take photos of Don.  My goodness that is really something.  Also my goodness he is so heavy--that is too bad that he has gained so much weight.  He used to be tall and thin.   Anyway-thank you so much.  I really appreciate seeing photos of him and the ones of you with him were SO good.  Double thank yous. 
Tomorrow at 1:00 we will again travel to the ORTHOPEDIC CLINIC.  I surely do wonder what the verdict will be.  (canceled the therapy appt.)
I cut my hair today.
In the 90's.
Brian, another call for you.  I said that you are out climbing mountains and so she asked if she could talk to your wife and I said that she was out running a TRIATHOLON (?SP) and she said, OH.
It has now been 5 mo. since the accident.  5 months out of Elmer dear's life.
I called Hazel Carpenter today.  She came home Friday from the Rehab Center after being there 6 weeks with her broken hip BUT she came home with absolutely horrible bed sores on both heels.  Does one call that good care????
I called Alberta Flathers and she is about to lose her mind--doesn't know what to do--husband passed away and it is very difficult to live alone and she is 25 miles from Medford and on and on.  She also had an accident 5 days ago--said a guy ran into her.  She is a nervous wreck--afraid she will lose her license.
Up till today I have not made any personal calls hardly--busy as a 90 year old caregiver. 
Will let you know what the verdict is tomorrow.
Larry called a bit ago--going to a P. Church dealy involving Linda's cousin and husband--missionaries in Honduras.  It seems that L & L are constantly being invited to this and that.  Monday nite they went to a HUGE get-to-gether--much food and fellowship.  I think he said there were about 80 people present. Personal invitations by mail.   Lloyd, he needs and wants to talk to you before you take off again.
Nite and keep in touch and Bud sends greetings.  gg

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