I had better hurry. Still warm today. While I waited in the w.room for Elmer to have his therapy treatment--everyone who came in the door said, "Well, what did you think of the storm last nite?" and I had to say that we do not live in Jacksonville. Cars even went into the ditch due to the heavy rainfall and the wind knocked down many trees and they lost their power inc. Larry. Larry did say today that the power came on about midnite. Phoenix does not get much rain ever.
On the way home we stopped at T.Bird and bot a few gro. ( I still need to shop at Win+Co soon--they have more "stuff".) I also had to stop at the bank and the p.o.
I neglected to tell you that the 2 days that we had the thunder storms--Bud jumped into the tub in Elmer's bath room. He had never done that before.
Thanks Helen Mae for the newsy emails. Keep them coming. We appreciate and know you are so busy.
The therapist put arch supports in Elmer's shoes today to see if that would help with the pain in his foot. He still gets down at least once a day to elevate for the swelling etc. He so wants to clean his garage.
Hey, don't eat any dumlings made in China--they have ground up cardboard in the center. They say it doesn't change the taste.
Thanks, Brian, for the prompt email after coming down the mountain. The photos are outstanding. Please keep the family news coming. Is Chloe "back in school?"
BB, another call for you last eve.--safe drivers ins.--we tell them you are climbing or whatever--will call back in 2 weeks????????????????
Kenneth, I check your blog--looking for new additions.
I bet Lloyd is missing his emails. Anxious to hear about Glacier Park. When I was growing up and we had co. from out of town my Dad always saw to it that they got to visit Glacier Park. He loved to go to the Park.
Plan to talk to you tomorrow. GG (blogger)
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