Thursday, July 5, 2007

More of the same.

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsTo be over 100 again today, (128 in Las Vegas)
Elmer's therapy appt. was as 8:45 this am so home before the weather was too scorching. The healing process for the ankle seems to be very slow--has to still use the walker.  Two more appts. next week.
We just rec. an email from the g.son in Colorado--surely I will be hearing from the other two almost immediately.  Since I have sent you a copy I do not need to tell you what he said. Thank you so much Brian.
Well, the driveway fellow came and decided he didn't want to do it over so refunded my check.
Jeanne, thank you for the very thoughtful gift that arrived the other day.  My goodness that was a big surprise.  
Brian rec. a nice email from the King's son who he met at Mt. Everest.  It was very nice and friendly.
Bud had quite a horrible evening --last evening--with the firecrackers etc. around here and in the distance. 
Larry, since you know so many at the Mail Tribune--ask them what happened to the weather girl--Andrea Rich--channel 12.
Elmer and Bud are asleep--so tired.  Bud gets to go with us when the appts.are early before the heat.
Larry called me at the therapy office this am. 

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