Tuesday, September 11, 2007

This is a better day.

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsWas I ever happy this am when my Dear arose--so happy and said that he had had the best nite's sleep for many months.
I was really worried yesterday--about ready to call L & L.  He just sat most of the day with his eyes closed--took a 3 hr nap in the afternoon and was just not himself all day.  And now he arose so happy and normal.  He is expecting a call from his PHYSICAL THERAPIST to talk about his pain and what next.  The Dr. did give him a slip for 6 more weeks of physical therapy. 
The Speaker and his parents are at Crater Lake for the day--planned to leave early this am. 
To be 96 today--soon it will be cooler.  Elmer dear evidently has poor circulation.  He is SO cold all of the time.  When the coolers have to be running he usually wears a coat.
I heard this am that one in ten pregnant women SMOKE. 
It was dark when Bud and I walked to B. St. at 5:30 this am. 
We do not hear a word re Caedmon.
Well, I had better get going for the day.  gg

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