Thursday, September 27, 2007


----- Original Message -----
From: Ruby Smith
Cc: GG
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 1:45 PM

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsWe just arrived home from THE THERAPIST.  Elmer will try that for now and he has an appt. for 2 weeks. 
We did not stop at Larrys because he is teaching today and tomorrow and ? if Linda was home and we needed to stop many places on the way home.
Also stopped at BiMart and then T.Bird then at an Ace Hardware for an 8 Ft. F. Bulb for Elmer's work area downstairs--then of course the P.O.
There was a message on the ans. machine saying Elmer's appt. tomorrow had been changed from 11:30 to 4:00 and we are not happy about that.  This is for the Scan at the Hospital.
I loved the pictures of The Rebs that were sent yesterday.  Clara is/was about the happiest person I have ever known --lovely lady and she has a lovely daughter. 
A 42 year old R.N. just gave birth to her 9th child.  The entire family was in the car as they traveled to the Hospital--didn't make it--born in the car with everyone helping!!!!!!!!!!!!1  They looked like a such a lovely and happy family.   The next to the new baby is also a baby!!!!
Elmer dear walked better yesterday as we walked to B.St.   He said he had a good nite.  He wore the boot all day yesterday.
BB, thank you so much for the email--so cute about the KIDLETS.. Tell Helen she is a hero for taking care of the family etc.. etc. 
I must start dinner now--Elmer is already in the Kitchen helping.  Bud is helping also.

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