Friday, September 14, 2007

Good late afternoon.

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsOne more day has come and almost passed and we just finished our dinner.  Elmer ate a little better now than he did this am. 
Kenneth, I am sure you type with blue ink--this is also blue and when I print yours and mine it comes out pinkish and I need to know why!!!!!!
Did you hear about the couple who really wanted children--with medical science--they tried--had twins--wanted more--had twins--wanted more--had 6 this time!!  All of the children are healthy and good looking except one of the 6 has cerebral palsy--very very severe.
Ron and Jorene left early this am for Eugene--to be gone 2 days--Ron is picking up a new LAPTOP. 
Wonder how everything is going in Seattle.  Also what is the latest on Caedmon?
Elmer dear is not doing well.  He has more or less lost his appetite and he cannot put ANYTHING with a drop of sugar in it in his mouth??????  He cannot even swallow it.  I have sometimes been mixing his milk with half Soy and he liked it--now cannot even take a swallow--no sugar  or anything sweet at all!!!! ????
Our weather has turned a bit cooler--had predicted a bit of rain for this afternoon--so far none has arrived. 
Also Elmer is back "in the boot" and is using 2 crutches--not good!!!
Buddy is being a good loyal little guy and there is not a thing wrong with his appetite.  I read that if your dog is fat--YOU are not walking enough. 
I opened the barbershop this afternoon.
Talk to you tomorrow if not sooner.  gg  (Brian what are you doing with your spare time now?)

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