Thursday, September 20, 2007

Another day has come and almost gone.

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsGood early evening.
Elmer went with me to Win-Co--the first time in about 7 months.  Spent $81.  He seems to be better--using one cane and sometimes not any.   And no nite sweat last nite--the first in about a week.  He really really enjoyed the electric blanket--first nite he has been warm enuf to be comfortable. (piling  on the quilts did not help--Needed heat next to his body.   Mine was on but didn't need it. 
We had a good chicken dinner (Win-Co) and Elmer cut up many veggies and cooked them in the M.W. and then added them to chicken broth=good.  And we had a baked spud--tomatoes--corn etc.--no dessert--except he will eat a fig bar.
Anyway, I do feel better --a bit better--about Elmer.  He is down for a nap right now.  He says his ankle IS NOT STABLE.  But of course he is far from being able to do anything outside yet. 
This Friday at 4 Amber and Richard take off with the P. Church bunch for Honduras--to be gone 17 days.  Larry and Linda's donation to the trip is taking care of the three offspring for 17 days. 
I do not know much of anything so until YOU write this is it.  (Ellen is faithful)--gg

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