Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon icons I am beginning to wonder--WHAT IS NEXT?
My poor Dumpling just freezes all nite (a wee bit better during the day). He has the quilts piled on him--plus the hot pad all nite--but he is still changing his P.J. tops about one or two times during the nite--freezing but nite sweats???
We went in at noon yesterday for the Lab work.  If we hear about it I will tell you.
When Bud and I walked to B. St. at 6 am--it had rained during the nite--but it was dry under all of the trees so the driveway was dry and wet--depending if there were trees.
Yesterday on the way home from work Ron stopped with tomatoes and corn--will never ever accept any $$.
Galena, what a deliteful letter. We are having fun to hear how you two are fussing over your new addition.  That is good--if only all babies could have this good and excellent care.  One thing--just think when you are up feeding that little Precious--for a short while I was up nursing two little " Preciouses"
I wish there was some more news not just O.J. Just ask me--he is guilty--put him away!!!!
Is the War still going full speed ahead?
Waiting to hear from all of the g.sons.
Hopefully there will be better news soon.  GG

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