Thursday, September 13, 2007

Another big day for BB

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsTo be 82 today--Fall is coming.
This should be a BIG day for BB.  Early this am he was to "talk" to Montreal-Tel-A-viv etc. and then at noon he is to talk to the Zango employees.  Keith is serving everyone lunch--Lloyd is driving up for the occasion--to and fro the same day. 
Elmer dear is up--had breakfast and then there is not much he can do.  Discouraging!  I do feel so very sorry for him.  I try my best to care for him.
No emails this am from Lloyd--he probably left early for the North. 
Larry is so busy all of the time--his unread emails stack up into the hundreds.
Larry just called--walking home--just did a walking tour for some ELDERLYS-- They pd him about $135. 
Dad is already down for a rest/nap?????
I need to hear from BB.  Lloyd will have a report for us.
I will now read or ???  gg

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