Friday, November 30, 2007

Very unhappy--my little guys are all gone and I do not even want to live.

I am so sad--my little people are all gone--where did they go?  No use living.
About 10:15 we started out for Win-Co--long time since we have been there--bot too much--$125.  We were the last one for the checker--she checked out--so we had lots of time and lots of gro.  There was a sweet young lady just ahead of us and she wanted to help us because we reminded her exactly of her g.parents who are in their 90's--in fact her gpa is 94.  So she came around and helped--really wanted to help sack--she did until we suggested she had done enuf and gave us each a hug when she left.  She had a young child waiting for her in the gro. cart.  What a lovely young lady/girl she was .  So we came home and spent a LONG time getting everything taken care of and put away.
Well, yesterday about a bit after 4 PM in drove that lovely couple from J. bringing a good hot pot of leik (sp?) chicken  soup etc. So we had a deliteful dinner and visit.   Then Larry (and E) went to the woodshed to get a load of veneer for kindling. (Elmer just held the lite).  What good help.  But Lloyd this is the veneer --you were cleaning out your woodshed when you moved N. and you brot a pick-up load of it over--all you had--Dad REALLY likes it for kindling.  Thank
 you so much for taking time to bring it over.  So L & L stayed until about 6:30 and had to leave--had a board meeting at 7. 
We have good sons and they have good wives.
Sad in Phoenix.  GG (Bud is a good boy)

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