Sunday, November 25, 2007


Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsIsn't my little emoticon cute.  He had to go potty--I am sure it is a boy.
We attended Harvest--but I did almost wish we were up in Caedmon's Church with so many of the family present while he was baptized.  Then they were all going out to eat and by now I am almost sure the ones who live So. of Seattle are on their way home. Anxious to hear.
It is a beautiful sunshiny day.
Elmer dear went down just now for a nap.
The leg with the two owies looks a lot better.  Checked and redressed it this am.  He is using one crutch (for stability-right ankle- most of the time)
I am almost sure Kenneth will tell us all about everything.
We made a couple of stops on the way home from church.
Waiting to hear.  gg

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