Thursday, November 22, 2007


Upgrade your email with 1000's of cool animationsThe sun is shining but it is cold outside.
Up at 6 am.
I keep thinking about poor Galena--what a load but she will have good help.
One year I had 17--including the Senior Rebs and Paul and wife and the rest of our family.  We added on to our dining room table and everyone sat at the same table.  Those days are gone forever.
Larry will pick us up at 2 something.  He didn't think I should drive in case it was foggy.  He will pick up the Rebs in Ashland. 
Elmer dear was to have only a chest xray on this next Mon. am to check if the pneumonia is all gone .  They would just check the xrays BUT he is having so much difficulty with the ankle he telephoned the office yesterday and asked to see Dr. Newton also (primary doc.) to get a referral to see an ankle doc.  WE DO NOT care to see Dr. Veri (did his ankle) again.
Elmer is still using one crutch a good part of the time--for stability.  (Feb 28th) Veri said to "throw the crutches away".
Poor Buddy has to spend Thanksgiving at home all by himself.
Surely everyone is having a good Thanksgiving.  The sun is shining brightly here--no wind--no fog--a good day.
I need to know how your day is going. 
This is Caedmon's first Thanksgiving and he certainly has much to be thankful for.

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