Monday, November 26, 2007


Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsSo busy.
First I must tell you about the most beautiful sunrise I have ever seen. At 6 am when I came out here I could see RED thru the drapes--I thot something was on fire.  I pulled the drapes and there was the red from the left clear around to the right as far as I could see and it wasDEEP and it was HIGH--I have been thinking about it all day.  In 91 almost years I had never ever seen anything like this.
Did Brian make it off the mountain?
We made it to the NEW Dr. Offices--wow--really nice.  The Clinic I worked in is rubble--going to be a parking lot for the new offices.  The new is 2 stories and is anything but crowded.  So first Elmer had a blood test--then a chest x-ray--all of this to see if the pneumonia is all gone?????Did not see Dr. today.
Did Brian make it off the mountain?
Elmer and Bud are down putting more wood in the furnace.
So soon were were preparing our evening meal.  I made the cornbread--Elmer really liked and we had beef patties and sweet pot. and Elmer also had an Irish pot. and veggies etc.  One more day.
Lloyd, that accident you practically saw (I think Amber did) as you were coming home last evening near Centralia was on the national news this am--truck-trailer etc.
We still do not know who we will see about Elmer Dear's ankle.  He should not have to be using a crutch 9 mo. after the accident
Did Brian make it off the mountain?

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