Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I had better write a little something

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Elmer dear is "down" for a rest.  He has been very busy downstairs a good part of the day plus he helps me--especially with our dinner--being he is more "picky" than I am--so we work together.  It is difficult for him to be up all day.
Woke up to DENSE fog and then not long until the sun was shining.  Therefore you had to get up early to see the fog.
I helped Elmer bandage his left lower leg--an area where a block of wood tumbled down and of course hit him.
I still cannot make a COMPLETE RIGHT TURN but I surely will say the spasms are gone and also 8 miserable days of the pain and spasms were more than enough.  I did not do any treatment today.
OH, BIG NEWS.  Did you know that Phoenix has a DOWN TOWN--well they do  (This makes Larry ill to hear about downtown Phoenix).  Anyway we will not have far to church on Sunday now or whenever their day is.  DOWNTOWN PHOENIX HAS A MOSQUE--A PICTURE IN THE PAPER--ALREADY THEY ARE COMING--ALL KNEELING ON THEIR PRAYER RUGS WITH THEIR HIND ENDS UP IN THE AIR.  Look it up in today's Tribune--it is a small block building--was vacant.  I am ill over the deal.  Why Phoenix.  We do not live in Phoenix--we live in Jackson Co.  Talent is really really being built up--oodles of new homes and on and on and the management in Phoenix has caused it to go down down.  It seems there is a new manager every month--they fight and fight and the money disappeares so there is no money to do any improvment.  We do have to go thru Phoenix to get home. 
Brian, thank you so much for the photos and the recent emails and on and on.  Now you will have to tell us about Helen's Marathon that is taking place in Tulsa, Ok.  The Kidlets will enjoy that also.  Hopefully Helen will be over the flu.  What a time to come down with that.
Two Key Banks robbed in Medford recently and now one in Shady Cove.  Watch it Helen.
Larry turned down two teaching jobs today--he is more than KNEE DEEP in the Calvary Church's 60th this coming weekend.  We plan to attend Sun. am.  He will also be speaking at the Dinner on Sat. 
Bud sends greetings and to tell you he had a good dinner.    GG

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