Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsTHIS IS A GOREOUS DAY.  WARM AND SUNNY.
There is barely enuf snow on Mt. Ashland to make a snowball.
Crater Lake has a foot.
We are going to dine with THE LARRYS TOMORROW and that will be good.
I heard this am that Denver was rec. snow.
Everest and Chloe have snow also.
Lloyd and Helen, Elmer dear--as he was eating his HONEY CRISP APPLE THIS AM said that the HONEY CRISP APPLE IS THE ULTIMATE IN APPLE EATING.  THANK YOU AGAIN. I will add that Elmer is a very very good judge of fruit!!!
Brian, thanks for the emails--so good to hear from Colorado.  Has Helen recovered from THE RUN?
Rose and Jim will leave late this afternoon (have an appt. first) and will head for Seattle.  All of the folk/family there will gather at a g.daughter's home.
Elmer and Bud are outside.
I think I will go out front and sit on the deck bench in the sun.
Lloyd will have hernia sx on Tues. the 27th.
Waiting to hear.  gg

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