Sunday, November 11, 2007


Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsAttended Harvest--they really celebrate Vet. Day.   Very nice and patriotic.
But I wonder why the attendance was way down today.
Talked to Odie Barton after church.  She said (Emma was Connie --B.Nell's daughter --married to Odie"s  so--their  son Jared who was in a horrible accident a few years ago--motorcycle--hit by a car--almost killed--pysically quite good--but memory is all gone--early 20's--anyway the family is bringing a law suit--started last week--it will be on-going for awhile.  Jared had a promising life ahead of him but he has a caregiver 24 hrs a day now.   So very sad.
That nit-wit Obama--running for president--will NOT salute the flag--how could a president not salute the flag???  All the candidates were lined up saluting the flag--he was on the end of the line--just standing there.  (His muslim background--no doubt)
So we came home--had tomato soup made with milk--toasted cheese sandwiches--etc.--all hit the spot.  Then soon Elmer dear went down for a rest/nap.  He is quite unhappy with his ankle--very sad.
Sunshine all day. 
Larry, you need to knock the huge leaves off the roof of your  We are too elderly to
 do that. 
The emails are very very few and far between.  So different than rec. 100 or more a day.
Bud and I just went out to B.St.  Ron was outside so came up for a chat--out at the end of our driveway.  Hadn't seen him for 2 or more weeks.  Said he has been working overtime.  His regular pay is $25 per hour.  He is excited about retiring the 4th of June--his 60th  Jorene is quite a bit younger.  She works at Boise--hard work.
I am still upset about that OBAMA--oofta.
Bud sends greetings and wants you all to send emails to keep me happy. (I do wonder how everything is going down in Mexico.)

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