Sunday, October 14, 2007


Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsI am thinking I had better send a line or two.
Caedmon is growing--soon be crawling and then on and on--not long till College.
We attended Harvest.  Pastor Bob was preaching in K.Falls so Pastor Mike preached.
It is really warm today but starting tomorrow t'will be in the 60's.
Ron mowed and blew yesterday.
Picked up the mail--lots of it--had not been to the P.O. for a spell.
I am anxious to call Mercy Flights tomorrow--hopefully to sign up.
Elmer is doing quite fine today--did take a short nap.  The CARETAKER made him.  I am in charge.
He cannot get into his two pair of dress boots nor the several dress oxfords.  The ankle will not bend enough.
Kenneth, thanks for keeping us up to date on your son.
Lloyd, how do I get rid of the photos that covers the printing in the Glacier Park photos?
I think I will now watch the latest news.  One never knows what will happen next.

Upgrade Your Email - Click here!


Anonymous said...

Hi, Grandma!
We just found out about your blog today. We don’t get to spend a lot of time online because of our busy schedules, but I will try to keep up to date with what is going on in your lives.
My family and I will be keeping you and Grandpa in our prayers!

My dad went with Uncle Brian on a fishing trip; he should be back soon.

High school's been fun, most of the time. I like my teachers, and my classes, but I'm only pulling an 85 in math class.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, GRANDPA AND GRANDMA!!! It is so awesome to see the devotion you have toward each other; I wish more couples were more like you!

Anonymous said...

Sorry: on previous comment I forgot to sign it. Ashley here. :)

I love you, Grandma! Please also give my love to Grandpa!

God bless you two!

Ashley <><