Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsThe last day for Halloween.   So far, down thru the years no one has ever come back here.
A trip to Win-Co this am--spent about $84.00--prices are rising.  Trucks hauling the produce--diesel gas is $3.60 or more. 
It is so cold in Win-Co--dairy products etc.meat etc. have to have it so cold.  My Dumpy freezes and besides he hurt his ankle yesterday and so the first part of the nite he was hurting!!!!! So I set the timer for 45 min. and then he came in and we timed it just right.  He had just come in when I was ready to check out and he did the bagging.  We work as a team!!!
For several years Elmer dear has been using the small field glasses to watch t.v.  For about a week now they do not help at all.  He has put them away.  We have stronger and larger ones but they do not help.  So that means he is losing more site.  I feel so sorry for him.
Brian, we watched DISCOVERY last eve. and so did Ellen.  Thank you for telling us.
I wonder if Caedmon misses his GG.
Keith, need to hear.
We are looking forward to this weekend--COMPANY IS COMING Friday nite and staying 'till Sunday afternoon.  It has been a LONG time since they were here. 
Helen, that Rain picture and article--very nice--very pretty.  Thank you.
We are soon to dine on a bit of chicken and baked pot. veggies etc.
Bud also got to go shopping.  When we come home and unload and let him out of the car--he stays right by it because he knows I will put the car away soon and he wants to ride around to the garage.
Waiting to hear.  gg

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