Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsWe have sunshine and 76 degrees a least. (hope it stays nice for Caedmon)
I guess the only news is about the horrible fires in So. Ca.--so glad for more reasons than one that we moved North in 1946.  (L & L also say they are glad)
Larry turned down a teaching job one day this week (but got another one a few min. later) to teach English to Mexican first graders!!
Elmer's foot-ankle-leg really bother him if he stays up on it all day.  Yesterday after he vac. I put him down for a nap.  He still tries his best to help me.
Thanks, Keith, for coming to visit and bringing the Kidlets.  We really really appreciated all your efforts and for delivering my garbage to Larry's house.  He really got a kick out of that.  We still think of you as g.son # 3 who came and stayed with us many times during your growing up years. 
I think we will go out and sit in the sunshine on the front deck.  gg

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