Monday, October 22, 2007

Co. all gone

Upgrade your email with 1000's of cool animationsI wonder if our Co. made it home safely--waiting to hear. 
Larry, that was a GOOD one you wrote to Keith.  When I gave him the garbage for him to take it to your place--I didn't think about him being a CEO and all that he does-he was my g.son--just a real good g.son.
Elmer dear is vac.  He is such a Dear--always wanting to make it easier for me.  (Could I be a little spoiled-perhaps).  I will insist that he take a break and rest 1/2 way thru so that his foot/ankle will not become too tired.
The sun is shining--and thankfully we are so much better off than the folk in So. Ca.--Maliboo etc.
Brian, thank you SO much for the two informative emails and the photos.  Gpa wants to know what you did with all the fish you caught.
We are now to have some weather in the 70's.
Katie has an I-Phone and knows how to work it!!
Katie had such a cute dress etc. on yesterday--just above the knees--At her private Christian School NO DRESSES ABOVE THE KNEE--NO KNEES SHOWING.  I absolutely hate long--below the knee dresses on little girls.  I have ALWAYS liked to see short dresses on little girls.  You do not know how much I dislike below the knees dresses.  (There will be no problem with Caedmon)
I just called Rose and we had a good chat.
My Dumpling is still vac.  I have ''IT MADE".
Kenneth, will you please send your plane schedule etc.  We are looking forward to Thursday.
I had better see how I can help move stuff around during the vac.  GG

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