Thursday, October 18, 2007


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First and foremost--Elmer dear seems SO much better today.  He had a good nite and is very normal today but he IS  down for a nap right now.  He did some exercises this am and he says that made him feel better.  He has been neglecting his exercises.
We have wind so that means we have stuff at our back patio--a nice welcome at each door.  They said the wind at the Coast was 55 per so it came over here. Hopefully we can blow the leaves away from the doors before Co. arrives tomorrow.
They say there is a severe storm raging in the Mid-West from the Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico. 
Thanks, Keith, for the oodles of photos.  What a trip--you saw lots of sites I must say.  Just think tomorrow you will be in So. Oregon--nothing very exciting down here but we like it.  It will be exciting when you three arrive.
My biggest worry for the next few weeks is--will I be able to take proper care of everyone--food etc.  The lodging is all solved.
Well, guess what--I thot Elmer went down for a nap--he didn't--he is down in the garage working.  He so wants to go thru everything--discard--etc.  Stuff got moved around and just piled on his work bench--and he wasn't able to do anything down there.  In fact for months he was not even in the garage.  When we had to go by car--I would get the car out and drive to the back door and pick him up--first we took him and the walker--then him and the 2 crutches--then him and 1 crutch.  It has been a long time since Feb. 28th.  Oodles of stuff down in the garage needs to be discarded but anyway the p.up and the Olds have a good home--out of the weather etc.  So Emer just came in--wishes he could get rid of a good part of the stuff down there.
The wind is still howling and the small leaves and junk out of the trees are still coming down. 
The huge leaves will not be falling until we have a freeze or something and then we will be inundated.  We have many many trees--so welcome in the hot summer.
So my husband didn't have a nap after all.  I thot he went down really early. 
Must dash.  ( thot for sure Chris would be sending an email about his Colorado trip) gg

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