Tuesday, October 9, 2007


[User Made]
When I arose at 6 am the weather man said we would be receiving from the Coast--winds of 70 per!!!!!!!!!!!! The wind blew all nite but now they say we might rec. 50 per and that is better.
We just took our garbage down--we share with Ron.  They beg us to do this.
Then we went to the p.o. to check and mail letters. I rec. my regular notice from Franklin Investments.  I retired at age 67 and rec. my retirement and invested it BUT I was supposed to withdraw all of it by age 70 something.  I am now 90 and there is still some in Franklin but they do send me a check every December.  That is quite nice of them.
It is good that I can go to my own barbershop in my own home (and the lady seems to be very nice)
Larry is teaching at J. today. 
Did you happen to see the Kangaroo dodging heavy traffic on a very busy hiway.  He was good!!!
Oral Roberts University etc. seem to be in DEEP trouble.
It is SO good to see Elmer up and about. 
Regarding the Scan--Elmer called again this am.  No return yet????????
Helen Mae, we appreciate your newsy emails--even more so because we know how busy you are all of the time. 
All Libraries that closed last October will reopen very soon.  ???Found some $$$$$?
We are having a lite dinner--have not decided how lite nor what yet. 
Bud keeps an eye on my purse at all times--just move it a little bit and here he comes.  You see if the purse goes out the door--that means the car is going someplace--and if the car is going --well--I am going too he says.

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