In nasty weather yesterday we dashed to Staples to buy a black cartridge--so far it is just sitting here--WE CANNOT INSTALL IT--why?? I am so disgusted--really really disgusted. I wish some of you smart folk were here. HELP HELP
I do not think UPS will be stopping here anymore this season---but thanks so much for remembering.
We have had a few white flakes come down now and then but not any stayed.
I am SO glad I was not with L & L on that wild ride down their hill. I would have died--for sure.
Some of our new health ins. papers arrived yesterday--finally--no cards yet--but they say the letters are good enuf for now.
We rec, many Christmas cards--far more than we should have--due to the fact I didn't mail any and haven't for 3 or so years.
Yesterday we made a HARVEST SOUP --a package from H and D--had to add some stuff also.
Well, again I awoke this am with pleurisy and it is still present--used a pain pill now and then the hot pad--as usual I didn't accomplish much as most of the days are now. I couldn't make it without my Dumpy. (Bud helps all he can--I heard him shut the door so many times today--keeps him busy)
Pleurisy is----inflamation of the pleuera--which is a thin membrane which covers the inside of the thorax which lines the lung. It can leave anytime and it will be o.k.with me. Difficult to get out of bed--but I made it.
January will be a very busy month. 2 birthdays--but that won't cause much commotion--About Jan 7th or so to R.V. Hosp. for lab work. Then pre-op appts. with Dr. D--then an appt to see the Dr. D. --then sx on Jan. 16--then 2 or so post-op appts. Then who knows what will happen after that. The sx this time will not be at the Hospital but at the SURGERY CENTER across from the hospital. Elmer had sx there a few years ago. We remember how kind the nurses were. Oh, ALSO CO. WILL BE COMING SO. SOMETIME IN JAN. ANXIOUS
Waiting for news. GG
1 comment:
Excuse for that I interfere ?At me a similar situation. Is ready to help.
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