Friday, December 21, 2007


Where oh where are my glasses.  (I have my computer glasses) We have looked and looked and then looked some over the entire house and they are not to be found.  I had them at 7 pm and that is about it. 
Well, we had a very interesting tel. conversation.  First we talked with Helen--then with Chloe--then with Everest--then with Brian.  They are prob. not home yet.  They had been up at The Cabin for a couple of days and it has been rented so they had to leave--a family or couple???driving from Texas-told them they had never seen snow.  Well, they will see snow even before they reach The Cabin.
Brian at first was driving 5 mi. per hour in lots of snow--by the time we hung up--as they moved out of the Denver area and headed for Loveland--the traffic--bumper to bumper had thinned a bit and they were moving faster.  They live 125 mi. from Denver.
We had such a good visit with all four and they had been skiing for 2 days. 
Yesterday I saw the family from Colorado who lost their two daughters at the church shooting.  The Dad is so broken up and sad but he said his daughters are in Heaven and that he had been saved several years ago.(22 years)  He was also shot "in the belly" but has recouped.  They are moving closer to New Life  Church. They are not bitter about the shooting.
On the news today--people fighting over parking spots to go Christmas shopping--absolutely crazy and in the stores--oofta. 
Elmer dear's itchy left leg seems to be itchy no more--hopefully not tonite and then no more. 
Where are my glasses??????
Well Larry today finished his 5 days of teaching every day and now no more school until after New Years.
Keith, thank you for the wee note.  I can tell you a wee one is so much better than none at all.
Lloyd, thank you so much for the oodles of emails--I will save some of the last ones till am.   The wedding was beautiful. 
Going nite nite.  gg
Bud does not care too much about cold weather.
We had such a good visit with the Brian Smith family.  Thank you so much.  Altogether we talked about one hour. 

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