Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Upgrade your email with 1000's of cool animationsTomorrow Christmas will be "all gone".
Are you having a MERRY CHRISTMAS?  Bud and I are and I think Elmer dear is also due to the fact that he is still nite nite and why not.  He will not be eating breakfast due to the fact that Amber said we would be eating around one. 
Well everyone is up and about now.
Caedmon, we are so thankful that you came to see us awhile back and you came on the BIG airplane and you came to get a haircut.  And we are thankful that your Daddy took photos of you and now for Christmas we rec. copies.  The framed (beautiful frame) one of you, your Dad and your GREAT GRANDPA is so precious and then the smaller ones--even one of me holding you.  You were a good boy that day and Galena how old was he when you were here.  Also thanks for all of the goodies--even smoked fish--and even chocolates!!!!! and other goodies.  You know how to pick the goodies.  Thank you much  and come again.
The BIG basket contained so many different things--jams-cookies--nuts--I cannot remember everything but THERE ARE CHOCOLATE TRUFFLES--I remember that. There are some jars of HOT RELISH and they will go to Richard.  I will be busy just going thru everything again.  All of this is in a very nice HEAVY basket. 
Lloyd called last evening--one hour from home--takes about 3 hours to get there to the Cabin.  So we had a good visit.  They will not return home until New Years Day.  And they will get to see Caedmon.  I need very much to know any news you wish to tell me about. 
Larry called a couple of times. 
So as far as I know our extended family will all have a good Christmas.
My black cartridge is completely gone--not good for over the Holiday.  I had plenty of warning to buy one but didn't 
Richard will be stopping in a couple of hours.  I may tell you more tonite
Have a good and MERRY CHRISTMAS and special Greetings to the little family in Colorado.

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