Larry just called and he said he hesitated about telling us but they attended another Christmas dinner yesterday. (He feels guilty) but he did add they have at least one more coming up.
Attended Harvest--home to lunch and then a quiet afternoon . We did call Hazel Carpenter--and had a long visit. She wanted to talk. Her voice sounds very much like she has had a slight stroke. She says (and has said for a few years) that Fred sleeps in his chair all day and sleeps in bed all nite--never has trouble sleeping. She was in Three Fountains at least two different times--rehab etc. and she will never ever go there again. She broke her hip one time and then later a bone in her back. Her daughter and husband are in Sweden. He took her there for her They travel the world often--he works for the government.
Elmer says he has a dish of jello ready for me--so I had better dash.
Bud sends greetings. Hopefully Lloyd will fly home safely tomorrow. I am sure he will be very spoiled by now with all of the attention he is getting.
I wonder if we still have two g.sons in Seattle. I KNOW we have one in Colorado because we heard from him today
Nite nite. gg
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