Boo, the wind came up during the nite and it is still "coming up". There is a sprinkle or two now and then. No use sweeping the oodles of leaves at the three back doors!!!! And down the steps!!!
Rose called and when they get rain they get rain--nite and day. They didn't even eat out today after church--too rainy--came home (like we do)
Well, we attended Harvest--absolutely full house--but for some reason--Pastor Bob was on the platform BUT his brother, Pastor Mike, preached--I shouldn't say OOFTA but everytime we have heard him I would say that. His voice is scratchy anyway but he will talk softly and THEN practically scream--it is horrible. Elmer has to plug an ear because it hurts so much. He preached for over an hour. I wanted to walk out but of course we couldn't do that. We have heard him before--always the same. He sometimes takes over when Bob is gone but Bob was not gone??????? He mostly travels out of town and fills in for other churches etc. I was a nervous wreck--waiting for the next LOUD whatever. Enough of this.
Elmer dear just went down for a nap as did THE BUD.
Brian, let us know which Tuesday on Discovery you will be featured on the Everest Program.
Ha Ha, we had a long tel call last evening from Kenneth. Anything you need to know just ask GG. I have the answers--otherwise I will keep all the answers. He said it was snowing in Seattle--even sticking on the freeways!!!!
I wonder how much snow Longview rec. Lloyd said it was snowing there.
We need to know how Helen's brother, John, is doing. That all sounds VERY serious.
Well, let me see--I think this is all that I know until I hear from YOU.
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