Sunday, December 30, 2007

This is evidently yesterday and today and perhaps tonorrow!!!!

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsMy friends tells me I didn't write yesterday but I guess Family did not miss it.
We just finished a very wee lunch.  I have sort of lost my appetite lately--which is o.k.  Elmer dear is a bit worried.  We have to get him thru this next year.
We attended Harvest--good crowd--good service--good choir.
Buddy was a good boy and stayed home but earlier when I told him he had to stay home--he headed for the back door and if anyone was going out that door they would have to go past him and me might get to go with them.
He is a very gentle dog--has never ever torn anything up--never chews on anything.  He is a very good boy in other words.  You can feed him--take his food away--never ever a snarl.
At the P>O> I picked up our first bill for our new health ins.  $450. for 2 for 3 months.  Co-pay is $5.00 instead of $20 each visit.  Our old Co. left the Valley and that was good. 
The sun is shining but it could be warmer.  I guarantee you it will be warmer--come summer in So. Or.  
I wonder what is going on in Colorado.
I wonder also what is going on up at The Cabin.  I know there is way too much snow for Folk in their 90's.
I will just send this one and hopefully we will hear from most everyone.  gg

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