Friday, December 14, 2007

Friday already

Upgrade your email with 1000's of cool animationsThe day is about gone.
I have been thinking today--sx in January and then away we go--prob. for most of the year. Just so the sx is a complete success--at least better than the last one.
Larry called last evening--and I asked where they were and he jokingly said, Guess and I said surely you are not being entertained again at a Christmas Dinner.  They were--invited to another Christmas dinner.  This one was being held at a Hotel In J.  One invite after another!!!  This invite was by THE ASHLANDS--the rich people who bot the old school and are spending millions on it. 
We are still having cold weather--supposed to rain tomorrow so perhaps that will warm up the weather. 
This am we 3 went shopping at Win-Co.  Didn't spend $121 this time--only $60 something--much easer to take care of and put away. 
Elmer dear is mopping the kitchen floor.   He helps me so much.
It is good to have fire in the wood furnace but in the early am I snap the electric one on--that way the house warms up and Elmer can sleep a little longer.
I have the January calendar all marked--quite full--sx--lab work at the hospital--pre op appts. and post op-appts.  January will be busy.
Good nite.  GG

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