Saturday, December 22, 2007


Upgrade your email with 1000's of cool animationsIt is not warm here I can tell you that much.
Well, the lost has been found about an hour ago.    I saw them from a way off.  They were on the floor under the main phone.  Why they were there I will never know.  This am I did get out the ones I had before these--can get by with them but---
Awhile ago I read the Christmas mail to  Elmer dear.  I haven't sent Christmas cards for about 3 years so we are still rec. from several nice folk.  Several letters. also.
Mt. Ashland is beautiful--lots of snow.
I shall make macaroni and cheese soon.   Haven't had any for ages.
Elmer is doing quite well--at least the left leg itch is gone--hopefully the two wounds will heal now.
What happened to December--it is almost gone.
Brian, thanks for more interesting e-mails. 
Waiting to hear--hopefully it won't be long.  gg

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