Thursday, January 3, 2008

The urgent message from the M.Tribune said a storm was coming.

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsIt has been a bit windy and rainy all day.  The Mt. Ashland Ski Resort closed down for the stormy day.
We had our lite meal today and I made cornbread--Elmer dear mentioned the other day he would like to have a bit of cornbread.
Ellen's younger sister in New Mexico is very very ill--prob. weighs in the 70's--will not see a doctor.  That reminds me of someone?????
I am sure you remember the owies that Elmer rec. back in early Nov.  --a block of wood on 2 different days--well yesterday he was out just beyond the big gate trying to move a BIG dirt mover made of heavy iron and of course he hit his  left leg against it really hard--knocked the scab off which has been knocked off more than once since the initial injury.  So he came in and we doctored that.  It is really not safe to let him out of the house. 
The Iowa caucasus is going full speed ahead.
I had planned to go to the P.O. today but the weather kept me home--just have to go tomorrow. 
Lloyd is really working at the funeral home.   Also, J. would fall apart if Larry stepped out of the picture. 
Need to hear from K & K & B and anyone else who wants to send me some news.
Kenneth took last week off and is also taking this week.  After they left THE CABIN they planned to visit her parents in their new retirement house over on the Coast.  Her Dad retired and they had planned on building on the Coast for a few years and they did.  3 stories--I would like to see it.  There are lots of things I would like to see/visit but it looks like we will be staying right here and that is o.k.
I hear the wind whistling. 
Nite frrom us three.  (Wonder who will be 95 tomorrow??????)

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