Saturday, January 5, 2008

The day after the big dinner

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsOh, my goodness--I am still full from that delicious dinner that Linda and Amber prepared yesterday.  They really catered to Elmer's likes, dislikes--what is good for him and what is not.  (I say yes, he is a wee bit fussy but then again he is also 95 and would be very active yet if the ankle accident had not happened.)  The cake was delicious also--made very healthy for Elmer--the ingredients--Linda surely does know how to choose very healthy ingredients.  Amber buzzed around in the kitchen--fun to watch (and that is all I did) And Larry, again I must congratulate you on being a GREAT HOST.  You know how and you help Linda so much after the dinner.  Thank you all so much (but I still feel full)
I retired in 1982 and I still rec. a check once a year from my retirement and that is nice.  There is still some left for next year and a few more years.
Brian and family called us last evening and that was good--very interesting.  Brian is so knowledgeable and is a good writer.  His memory is beyond description.
We are having patties and rice soon,  --Linda sent home cake and there will be veggies if Elmer has anything to do with it.
Our weather is reasonable today--no storms--a few drops of rain now and then.  The West Coast was really hit .
I must dash and read Elmer dear some mail.  Buddy is being a very good boy. 

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