Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bad News

You may have noticed that my grandmother hasn't been posting much lately. The bad news is that she's been diagnosed with late-stage, terminal ovarian cancer. Her family has been around her through the process, as soon as we found out. She may have another week or two left, or perhaps only a few more days.

Her family is with her, and she's not in a lot of pain, but she's very weak, and she's very worried about what will happen to Elmer when she's gone. She is dying as she lived: much loved, surrounded by family, and fussing just a little.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

I will make an attempt



This must about day 5 or so.


Monday when I tried to get out of bed.  I could not bear any weight on my left foot/'twas perhaps a bit swollen. Larry came after his many obligation to help

Tuesday was the same.  Larry came to help.

Wed. the ankle was more swollen but I could bear wt. Larry came to help--teaching most every day. About 3 or so Ethie Zornes and the two girls came and brought enuf dinner for us and Larry.  That was very nice and it was very good and we are very thankful. They also brot greetings.

Thursday--still not dressed so far this week.  Chris Zornes came on his way to work at the sheriff office,  Larry just called --to see if we needed anything--taught this am--so he is on his way over. He will pick up our mail. 

I think I will just quit for now.  Love you.  GG

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Sunday, January 6, 2008

Another good day.

Upgrade your email with 1000's of cool animationsOur  sons are so good to us and we really appreciate them.  Lloyd even called  at THE ROOSTER where / while we wer eating.  Ethel had called him because she couldn't get ahold of us and The Larrys were not home because we were with them so Ethel called Lloyd and he tracked us down there.  BTW Ethel said the tel rang 4 times and quit and the ans. machine doesn't work she said so nothing works.  Now Ethel just called--needed to know if we  were o.k,  She hadn't rec. much mail from me recently.  I sort of let it pile up and I mailed a big fat envelope on Friday so they should be hearing.  I think they are worried about their brother.  She did tell Lloyd that she and Fay and Ray really enjoy my letters!!!
Again I say that I hate tatoos.
We went to Harvest--guest speaker--rather hear Pastor Bob.
It seems to be cold here everyday and I am anxious for warmer weather--cannot be too soon.  But we are not smothered in snow like some areas. 
Larry and Linda came here to pick us up. 
Tomorrow or Tuesday we start the next journey.  This will be a quickie at the Hosp. for Lab Work--then more appts. later in the week. 
Kenneth, did you make it home?  Tell us about that visit with Galena's parents.
Caedmon is neglecting GG and GG.
Buddy was all alone all day--very lonesome.
Probably talk tomorrow. gg

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Saturday, January 5, 2008

The day after the big dinner

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsOh, my goodness--I am still full from that delicious dinner that Linda and Amber prepared yesterday.  They really catered to Elmer's likes, dislikes--what is good for him and what is not.  (I say yes, he is a wee bit fussy but then again he is also 95 and would be very active yet if the ankle accident had not happened.)  The cake was delicious also--made very healthy for Elmer--the ingredients--Linda surely does know how to choose very healthy ingredients.  Amber buzzed around in the kitchen--fun to watch (and that is all I did) And Larry, again I must congratulate you on being a GREAT HOST.  You know how and you help Linda so much after the dinner.  Thank you all so much (but I still feel full)
I retired in 1982 and I still rec. a check once a year from my retirement and that is nice.  There is still some left for next year and a few more years.
Brian and family called us last evening and that was good--very interesting.  Brian is so knowledgeable and is a good writer.  His memory is beyond description.
We are having patties and rice soon,  --Linda sent home cake and there will be veggies if Elmer has anything to do with it.
Our weather is reasonable today--no storms--a few drops of rain now and then.  The West Coast was really hit .
I must dash and read Elmer dear some mail.  Buddy is being a very good boy. 

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Friday, January 4, 2008

Perhaps the storm has gone

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsHopefully the storm has gone bye bye.  WOW, what a storm--the wind and rain beat against our bedroom windows all nite and up until noon today.
Elmer dear is 95 today--seems unbelievable bit 'tis true. 
Larry will pick us up at 3:30 and we get to go to their house.  I heard something about spaghetti--that sounds so good--have not made it for a long time.
I need to stop at the p.o. today when Larry picks us up.  I think I have not been there all week. greetings are coming in.
So Bud will have to stay home--he gets so sad.
Thanks for the emails, Lloyd. 
You can tell I do not have much to write about.
GG  (Really looking forward to go to Jacksonville)

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Thursday, January 3, 2008

The urgent message from the M.Tribune said a storm was coming.

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsIt has been a bit windy and rainy all day.  The Mt. Ashland Ski Resort closed down for the stormy day.
We had our lite meal today and I made cornbread--Elmer dear mentioned the other day he would like to have a bit of cornbread.
Ellen's younger sister in New Mexico is very very ill--prob. weighs in the 70's--will not see a doctor.  That reminds me of someone?????
I am sure you remember the owies that Elmer rec. back in early Nov.  --a block of wood on 2 different days--well yesterday he was out just beyond the big gate trying to move a BIG dirt mover made of heavy iron and of course he hit his  left leg against it really hard--knocked the scab off which has been knocked off more than once since the initial injury.  So he came in and we doctored that.  It is really not safe to let him out of the house. 
The Iowa caucasus is going full speed ahead.
I had planned to go to the P.O. today but the weather kept me home--just have to go tomorrow. 
Lloyd is really working at the funeral home.   Also, J. would fall apart if Larry stepped out of the picture. 
Need to hear from K & K & B and anyone else who wants to send me some news.
Kenneth took last week off and is also taking this week.  After they left THE CABIN they planned to visit her parents in their new retirement house over on the Coast.  Her Dad retired and they had planned on building on the Coast for a few years and they did.  3 stories--I would like to see it.  There are lots of things I would like to see/visit but it looks like we will be staying right here and that is o.k.
I hear the wind whistling. 
Nite frrom us three.  (Wonder who will be 95 tomorrow??????)

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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Sunny but cool.

Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsGood early afternoon.  Wish the sun would warm us up.
Yesterday, did I tell you that Elmer dear vac. our almost 2000 sq foot house-- he is such a GREAT help to me.  
Salmon later today.
Our good plumber came about 9 am.  He is very nice.  He found that when he installed the cartridge a few months ago--he missed a little piece of rubber left from the old one so he cleaned that out and again installed the cartridge and everything seems to be working o.k. 
It is good to see that more emails are coming in (Lloyd is back).  I really think that it is time for Caedmon to  send GG some news. 
I imagine Amber will be driving So.  about now--went to Portland to pick Nathan up--he had spent the week up there with relatives. 
Waiting to hear.  (What is new, Brian?  ) gg

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Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Upgrade your email with 1000's of cool animationsLloyd called a couple of hours ago so I am expecting emails soon.  He loved the week spent with the Family.
Well, we are having a water problem.  When that GOOD plumber installed my new sink and faucet he also installed a new piece in the faucet in Elmer's bathroom--brand new--well it quit working today--NEW YEARS DAY--not good--so therefore Elmer dear has to turn the water on downstairs and we fill up jugs etc and then he has to go down the steps (with that ankle) and turn off the water again--just like "olden times". 
We had a lite meal at 4--and that was good and that was plenty (not hungry).
Smarty Pants Larry called us yesterday afternoon--I answered and just about then --in he drove.  He did some things needed around here and then had to hurry home so he and Linda could attend ANOTHER BARCECUE (how many have they attended this winter) at Calvary Church.  I think Brian was to be the barbecuer--From up at THE CABIN we had tel. calls from Kenneth, Jeannie,Jess,Kaity,Bennett,Jim.
Speaking of our old friends--THE STRELLMANS-my friend today who lives there also said Evelyn walks very slowly and just shuffles her feet along.  Ellen, do you know about how old they are? 
Waiting to hear from Lloyd.
Thank you Brian for the newsy email.  Always so good. 

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