I do not think I emailed YOU yesterday but not one soul complained which does not look very good for me.
I just finished making a little lunch for us to dine on at 4. I went to Win+Co this am and only spent $75.00. Elmer dear feels so badly that he cannot go with me to help but he does help when I arrive home which he really should not do. He is doing better--the therapy is helping. He wore that boot for four months almost so everything is stiff.
Yesterday we went to J. for the therapy. It was an early afternoon appt and I do not like p.m. appts in hot weather. Don thinks Elmer wore the boot too long but he went by the Dr.'s orders. He just now got off the bike so he is quite busy with his many leg and foot exercises.
Yesterday Larry was on the Trolley in J. most of the day--telling (like only Larry can do) the visitors all about J. They are having a time with their kitchen floor. The tile man is supposed to be laying tile today but I do not know if he showed. He was to start on Monday. The guys did get the floor heating in plus other stuff. But Larry and Linda are so concerned about getting their house in order for this weekend with co. coming and the big Phoenix class reunion. The stove, table, fridge etc. are sitting/setting any place but not in the kitchen. The Taylors will arrive on Friday!!!!
I have it much easier now with Elmer dear being able to dress himself. I did it for a long time--including that boot.
Thanks BB so much for sending the news about your coming home party. And wow, you are having hot weather but that is much better than the horrible floods in Texas and Ok and the horrible fires at Tahoe. We are so thankful we live right here!!!!!
We are looking forward to seeing Lloyd and Helen this weekend. They will sleep here but that is about all because of the Phoenix Hi Ann.
Waiting to hear. gg
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