Saturday, December 1, 2007


Upgrade your email with 1000's of emoticon iconsWhy did my little guys come back--I didn't do anything due to the fact that I didn't know what to do.  I really thot Kenneth would come flying down to help his Gma.  Caedmon would not miss him for a few days--after all K. has been at Keith's Cabin for a few days on business. 
We are making soup for this early afternoon dinner.  You can see who is doing the work. 
I redressed Elmer dear's 2 owies on his left leg.  It is taking a long time for them to heal but they look much better. 
I just found a little note that said, "Keith brought me  my first computer--June 11 1998''.  (He still lived in G.P.)   One would think after all of these years I would know a little bit about the computer.
Fog early this am.
Bud and I had better help in the kitchen.  Need to know how John is doing.  This condition sounds VERY serious. 

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